Monday 13 May 2013

An Interesting New Hybrid Of Music: Polar Caps.

Today I got a very exciting email. Alaskan Records, of London, asked me to check out one of their artists, Polar Caps (aka singer-songwriter/producer Owen Hughes-Holland). Aside from being extremely flattered at being contacted, I was interested to check out a completely new sound to anything I've listened to before. Polar Caps produces a very interesting style of alternative electroacoustic pop; a hybrid which is captivating and appealing to the masses.

His debut EP, 'Solutions' has had phenomenal success for a new artist, and was mastered by Grammy award winner Matt Shane. Although I am not keen on the title track after the first few listens, 'Will You...' was a very enjoyable listen, and I'm clearly not alone. The debut music video from this EP, for 'Will You...', reached over 10000 views within the first two months alone (a mean feat for anyone who isn't getting bitten by Charlie or dumping cats in wheelie bins). I've watched the video, and I must admit there are a few cheesy looks at the camera, but aside from that, the talent is evident, and I found myself being reminded of the likes of Owl City throughout this video, and indeed the whole EP.
What I really like about 'Will You...' is the superb vocals and acoustic melodies which are given an extra dimension by the futuristic electronic production, a sound very 'in' right now. The prevalent focus on acoustics in this and 'My Farewell' ensure Polar Caps isn't grouped in with the other electropop artists around at the moment, but instead defines his own musical category. It also means it is perfect background music, and not too heavy on the production that it is predictable and boring after two songs!
 I would never have thought that synthetic vocals and modern production would work so well with traditional vocals, but it does!
Polar Caps has already gained some great media attention; not only has he featured on but he's also been 'plugged' by Alex Zane on Twitter and been fortunate enough to share the stage with some great live acts, including Example and The Cribs. All this suggests a promising future for the young producer. 

You can listen to the full 'Solutions' EP on SoundCloud here
For live dates and more info on Polar Caps, check out his website here. You can also buy the EP from here for only £3.99. 
Polar Caps and Alaskan Records are also available on Twitter and Facebook. 

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